Until Psychology



Regardless of the specific reason clients seek help, they can likely benefit from working with a psychologist. This is because psychologists receive extensive education, training and experience that help them connect with clients, understand their unique world-views, and identify ways to make positive changes. Most psychologists further develop particular interest and expertise in treating specific concerns such as those related to disability, anxiety, depression, or marital stress.

Psychologists are further trained and experienced in conducting assessments to help identify the nature of a problem when it isn’t clear what is going on for a client. Assessments can be done for clients who want to know more about their issues and how to alleviate them, or when a third party has requested one to support a client (e.g., when an insurance company requests an assessment after a motor vehicle accident). 

Psychologists also take special care to take into account issues of individual diversity. Clients from all walks of life are treated with respect regardless of factors such as age, gender, sexuality, ability, religion, culture, or ethnicity. We strive to understand how these factors colour our clients' lives and make them who they are.